Hands recieving bright, white, divine, Light

Powerful Affirmations

The Power of Affirmations: Transforming Thoughts into Reality

In the fast-paced world we live in, where stress and negativity often seem to dominate our thoughts, finding a way to maintain a positive mindset is crucial for our mental well-being. Affirmations, a tool that has gained popularity in recent years, offer a simple yet powerful method to shift our focus and reframe our thinking. Drawing on my three decades of experience as an author and a keen observer of human behavior, I am eager to explore the essence of affirmations and their role in shaping our lives.

What Are Affirmations?

Affirmations are positive statements or phrases that individuals repeat to themselves with the intention of influencing their subconscious mind. These statements are crafted to reflect the desired reality, fostering a mindset that aligns with personal goals and aspirations. Affirmations can cover various aspects of life, including self-esteem, relationships, career, health, and overall well-being.

The Purpose of Affirmations

  1. Shifting Mindset: Affirmations serve as a powerful tool to redirect our thoughts. By consistently repeating positive statements, we train our minds to focus on the good rather than the negative. This shift in mindset can lead to increased optimism and a more constructive outlook on life.

  2. Building Self-Confidence: Many affirmations are designed to enhance self-esteem and confidence. By affirming our abilities and acknowledging our strengths, we gradually build a more positive self-image. This newfound confidence can positively impact various aspects of our lives, from personal relationships to professional endeavors.

  3. Manifesting Goals: Affirmations operate on the principle of the law of attraction – the idea that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person”s life. By repeating affirmations related to our goals, we create a mental environment that attracts opportunities and facilitates the realization of those goals.

  4. Coping with Stress: In the face of challenges and stress, affirmations act as a grounding force. By adopting a positive affirmation practice, individuals develop resilience and a more optimistic approach to handling difficulties. This, in turn, can lead to improved mental and emotional well-being.

How to Use Affirmations Effectively

  1. Be Specific: Craft affirmations that are specific and tailored to your individual goals. Whether it”s achieving career milestones or fostering healthier relationships, specificity enhances the effectiveness of affirmations.

  2. Consistency is Key: Like any habit, the power of affirmations lies in consistency. Incorporate them into your daily routine, whether it”s through morning rituals, meditation, or before bedtime. Repetition reinforces the positive messages, gradually reshaping your thought patterns.

  3. Believe in the Affirmations: To maximize the impact of affirmations, it”s essential to believe in the statements you are repeating. Genuine belief reinforces the positive energy behind the words, making it more likely for your subconscious mind to accept and act upon them.

Powerfull Affirmations for you to heal and advance yourself
Powerful Affirmations for you to heal and advance yourself

Positive self-affirmations

  1. I Am a Beacon of Light: “I am a radiant being, attracting positive energy and illuminating the path for myself and others. My light is a magnet for joy, love, and abundance.”

  2. I Trust in the Divine Timing of My Life: “I trust that the universe unfolds in perfect timing. I am patient and open to the divine flow of life, knowing that everything is aligning for my highest good.”

  3. I Embrace Change as a Catalyst for Growth: “Change is my ally, and every moment of transition is an opportunity for growth. I embrace the lessons within change and welcome positive transformations into my life.”

  4. I Am Aligned with Abundance: “I am a magnet for prosperity, abundance, and success. I trust that the universe provides me with all that I need, and I gratefully receive the blessings that flow into my life.”

  5. I Am a Co-Creator of My Reality: “I am a powerful co-creator of my reality. My thoughts and intentions shape my world, and I manifest my desires with clarity, purpose, and positive energy.”

  6. I Release Fear and Embrace Unconditional Love: “I release fear and doubt, replacing them with boundless love and compassion. I am a vessel of love, and I radiate love to myself and others without conditions.”

  7. I Am Surrounded by Divine Protection: “I am surrounded by the divine light of protection. I trust that I am safe and secure, and I am guided by the wisdom of the universe on my journey.”

  8. I Am Grateful for Every Experience in My Life: “I am grateful for the lessons and experiences that shape my journey. Each moment, whether joyous or challenging, is a stepping stone toward my higher self.”

  9. I Am in Harmony with the Rhythms of Nature: “I am in harmony with the natural flow of life. Like the cycles of the moon and the seasons, I honor the rhythms of nature and align myself with the universal energy.”

  10. I Radiate Positive Energy to Manifest Miracles: “I am a channel of positive energy, and my thoughts create miracles. I radiate love, gratitude, and positivity, attracting miraculous experiences into my life.”

My personal self-affirmations I use on a daily basis

(1) Call your Energy back (Speak out loud 3x: „I call my energy back from every energy, entity, dimension, being, human being, object, angel, animal, place, power and thing back to me. My energy is coming back to me as bright, white, divine, golden light.“)

(2) Reset bad programming “Reset my vessel, reset my mind.”

(3) Request ET Light codes (Speak out loud 3x: „Dear God, dear Angels, dear Spirit Guides, dear Ancestors, dear Team, dear Archangels, dear Guardian Angels, dear Higher Self, dear Extraterrestrials, dear Origins please provide me light code updates to constantly improve my psychic abilities and upgrade my DNA to be fully aligned with my highest self and live in the 5th dimension.“)

(4) Aligning on highest Timeline (Speak out loud 3x: „I live in my highest timeline. I vibrate on the highest frequency of unconditional love and gratitude.“)

(5) Do not consent to dark entities (Speak out loud 3x: „I do not consent to nanobot technology. I do not consent to dark energy. I do not consent to dark entities. I do not consent to negative thoughts.“)

(6) Heal & break karmic bonds (Speak out loud 3x: „I am abundant. I am healed. I am healthy and fit. Everything works in my favor. I am free and healed of all karmic bonds.“)

(7) Cast love on yourself I love myself: I am free. (8) Twin Flame Union: I am in spiritual and physical union with my Twin flame [Firstname and Lastname of your Twin Flame].

(9) Astral Projections: (Speak out loud 3x: „ Dear God, dear Angels, dear Spirit Guides, dear Ancestors, dear Team, dear Archangels, dear Guardian Angels, dear Higher Self, dear Extraterrestrials, dear Origins please let me do Astral Projection together with my love [Your spouse name] during restful sleep and Archangel Michael please protect [Your spouse name] and me during this restful experience.“)

(10) Protect yourself: (Speak out loud 3x: „Archangel Michael please protect me [Your name] with your bright, white, divine, golden light. Archangel Michael please protect [Your spouse name] with your bright, white, divine light. I visualize a protective bright, white, god light around my physical and astral body protecting me against all negative energies and against all harm. I stand in a pyramid of bright, pink, source light that protects me against all negativity and all harm. “)

(11) Align your Octaves: (Speak out loud 3x: „ Dear God, dear Angels, dear Spirit Guides, dear Ancestors, dear Team, dear Archangels, dear Guardian Angels, dear Higher Self, dear Extraterrestrials, dear Origins please align and open all my Octaves & Chakras and balance them so there is a constant flow of bright white, golden light through all opened and aligned octaves and chakras and that I am fully aligned with my highest self and live in the 5th dimension.“)

(12) Self Confidence: I am who I am and that is enough.

(13) Be grateful: (Speak out loud 3x: „Dear God, dear Angels, dear Spirit Guides, dear Ancestors, dear Team, dear Archangels, dear Guardian Angels, dear Higher Self, dear Extraterrestrials, dear Origins I am grateful and happy for speaking with me, through me, for guiding and protecting me, for enlightening me, pushing and pulling me through Ascension into the state of Enlightenment to become my most authentic self, filled with love, joy and passion. I am happy, thankful and grateful for your help.)

(14) GSF: I am God. I am Sovereign. I am Free.

(15) Good bye. Sebastian Enger

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“I AM” Affirmations for Health, Wealth, Happiness, Straight To Your Subconscious Mind 432 Hz
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